Chronology of Socialization Activities

  • ICNP 2019 Networking Conference (October 7-10, 2019, Chicago, Illinois, USA): Displayed Mizar networking open source project details as part of Futurewei booth during the conference. Also, socialized Mizar project with various professors and researchers. Scheduled follow on detail sessions during the subsequent weeks.
  • Open Source Summit Europe 2019 (October 28-30, 2019, Lyon, France): Met Linux Foundation executives for socializing Mizar project as well as possibility of landing Mizar as an official Linux Foundation project. They seem to be open to our proposal. They asked us to firstly sync. up with Network Service Mesh (NSM) folks for possible synergy & their feedback.
  • Socialization with various Universities: Mizar networking open source project overview session with professors & researchers from various universities. We went over the possible collaboration areas researchers/academia can get involved in.
  • KubeCon North America (November 18-21, 2019, San Diego, USA): Displayed Mizar networking open source project details as part of Futurewei booth during the conference. Also, socialized Mizar project with eBPF/XDP community members.
  • Network Service Mesh (NSM) Discussion: Mizar networking open source project overview session with NSM folks. They provided a very positive feedback and liked our project. It seems that there is good synergy with regards to integrating Mizar data plane with Network Service Mesh project.

Talks and Videos: